drops of thoughts...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

crocodiles could scare paul

before i tell the reader exactly what i thought in the shower this morning, there must be some prefaces:
preface1 - there is a crazy guy that lives 2 floors down
preface2 - ever since i took a self-defense class, i have worked out imaginary scenarios. such as, what if i was walking out a mall and someone approached me in an aggressive manner - what would i do? then i proceed to figure out what sort of kick ass kick ass moves i could do. SO - with that said
in the shower this morning, Amanda's, my RA, door slammed shut. i thought it was a gun. then i started thinking that (crazy guy's name here)_____ was up here shooting people. and hark! he can hear the shower. i thought, after everything become extremely quiet, he was waiting to rip the curtain down. and as soon as he did, i imagined him with this shot gun, pointing it right at my little nude body. what would i do? i decided what i would do if in that situation... and it wouldn't be pretty, people. hell no.

in other news ((as jim would say)) i have made up my mind about the Tyrannosaurus. he was a scavavger. and also, the scariest dino would, today, have to be the Oviraptor. wow. okay? wow.


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